Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly.


New member
Jun 9, 2011
Programming Experience
please help me to resolve this issue.. what's the meaning of this error? the first version the i had installed is the vb. 2008 express edition. now i try to used the vb.net2008 team system. is there any conflict with those versions that i had installed to my pc?
VB Express 2008 and VS Team Suite 2008 are two different editions of the same version. The version conflict is talking about a DLL that is built for one version of the .NET Framework when another is expected, e.g. the DLL is built for .NET 3.5 and you're building for .NET 2.0. You're going to have to provide us with more specific information if you want more specific information from us. I'm sure that the IDE gave you more information than just that.
HI Sir as i checked the .net frameworks that was install to my pc. i saw that there is a 2.0 and 3.5 version. is it okay that both versions of .net framework where installed to my p.c? do you have any suggestions what solution that i need to do?
There is no issue having multiple versions of .NET or VS installed on the same system. They were designed specifically with that in mind. As I have already said:
You're going to have to provide us with more specific information if you want more specific information from us. I'm sure that the IDE gave you more information than just that.