Form Scroll


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2007
Programming Experience
I am creating a form using VB.Net 2005. The page is a very large page and I need to be able to let the user "scroll" down the page during runtime in order to see all the contents of the page. Can anyone help me do this? I looked at all the form's property and can't get anything to work. Thanks in advance.
Set AutoScroll to True.
I'm sorry for being such a airhead, but I do have AutoScroll set to True but nothing changed. I'm in design mode and can't make to form bigger than 1292 vertically. Am I doing something wrong in design mode?
The autoscroll works if controls take more space than the size of form. To see it set it True and place a control at bottom end of form, then make form size smaller and you see scrollbars in form (also in Designer). I don't think you can design form larger than your current desktop resolution. If you need to make form larger than your screen view that's a definite sign you should redesign, perhaps divide to more forms or use Tabcontrol or other layout.
I did what you suggested and it did not work. I'm in design mode and placed a control (groupbox) that extends to the bottom of the page. I shorten the form and the scroll bar does show in "design mode" but does not show in "runtime". Any suggestions. Thanks in advance.
That's not what I'm seeing (here, of course ;))
JohnH you were right. I had to adjust my screen resolution to a smaller resolution in order for the scroll bar to show. Thank you very much.
The point of the Autoscroll is to enable scrolling to parts of form that it otherwise not visible, it's not a resolution issue, it's a plain calculation of how much space the controls take and how much there is available for current size of form. If you at runtime resize a form to a smaller size than it was designed a control that doesn't autosize with it will stay and the form detects that there is something outside its client size and therefore must show the scrollbars. Resizing a window at runtime is done by placing the mouse pointer to the window edge and dragging it.