Form outside design view


May 15, 2007
Programming Experience
I often get this problem. I open a form in design mode and the form is not in view and scrollers can't get to it. Sometimes it's cut in half and the other half is outside the window but there's no way to move the form inside the design space to see the form in full.
Sounds like a lame problem but I can't find a way to properly open the form

I found a similar issue in the dream-in-code forum, one of the answers might be of help:

Check to ensure that in both the card1.vb and card1.designer.vb that both the class names match. Also let us know what class it is inheriting in the card1.designer.vb. It should be 'Inherits Windows.Forms.Form'.

If this does not solve it create a new form and select all the controls in the bad form and try to copy and paste them in the new form. Then copy paste the code over. I have done this in the past when nothing else seemed to work.

Another solution states:

Edit your form1.vb file, that should be empty, and put this code:

Public Class Form1

End Class

Then Replace form1 with the class name of the form you have. this must match the one declared in the Form1.Designer.vb file.

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
End Class