Question Form larger than screen


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Programming Experience
I know it seems a bit useless but the reason I would like to use a form bigger than the screen is to use it as an a4 report. I want to put text controls on it at design time and place info in them at runtime and print the form. I need to do this as I need to print to a pre printed stationery so I need to place the controls in set locations. I have previously done this in vb6 using 2 pictureboxes. I would be pleased if anyone can give me a start or a better way to do this.... I dont want use crystal reports as I want to keep this as simple as possible...... Thanks
Ballarat Victoria Australia
partial solution

I think I have a partial solution by using a panel as you can make the panel any size and putting the controls on the panel. I have managed to find a way to print the panel but the hidden portion does not print. I just need to find a way find a way to print the whole panel(even the hidden part). I have attached the code I have got to work....thanks


  • tremara1_code.txt
    1.7 KB · Views: 17