Form Designer Error


Active member
Dec 27, 2006
Programming Experience
I've a form that give me and error 'There is already a command handler for the menu command' ... and it happened following some changes to integrate new BindingSources and TableAdapters. The form has been used for a couple years without problems. I added NO third party software as some forum posts have been suggesting of other users. One did suggest that MenuCommandService from the namespace System.ComponentModel.Design could be used but it had absolutely no clue as to what it was or how to use it. Help gives me some idea by telling me properties, methods, etc but again, not much in the way of examples. When the error list is displayed in VS2005 the file is blank, line is 0 and col is 0 so I can't GoTo the error by clicking on the error. Can anyone provide some help with this problem. Any help would be appreciated. :confused: