Question form appears frozen


New member
May 27, 2010
Programming Experience
My WinForms app has behaved well until recently, but now I have a handful of new users with a common problem. My app functions like it uses a tab control, but instead of tabs, the user clicks one of a group of Buttons that then displays one of a group of Panel controls. Each Button has its own associated Panel control. Thus the Panel controls overlay each other and their Visible property is set to True or False depending on if their Button is clicked.

This has worked flawlessly for years, using VS 2005. Now, this handful of users do not see the app refresh when they click one of the buttons. However, I know via debugging that the Click action has occurred and that the app thinks the selected Panel is displayed. I can even fish around and find the controls on the new Panel and click them, etc:
Panel A is displayed
User clicks Button B.
Panel A is still displayed, but I can fish around and find controls on Panel B (which should be displayed.​
I can't recreate this on my machine, but I have seen it on user's machines. Nor can I find a common element in these users' setup.

I've tried reverting these users to earlier versions but no luck. Any ideas, anyone?