fill gridview without using database


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2006
Programming Experience
I have a web form that I want the user to fill out. When they click add, I want a gridview to come up with the information that they provided. They are able to make multiple selections and with each entry they add, I want that gridview to add another entry to it as well. This is going to be a temporary gridview because when they click to actually add all of the entries in this gridview, I want to add them in the database and then get rid of the entries in the gridview. This is done so that they can see what they have entered and make any deletions or edits. Then when they are satisfied, the entries can be added permanently.

Does anyone know of a way I can do this without putting those temporary entries into a database? Thank you!
Actually, I'm not doing a shopping cart.
I am having the users choose if they want to send a message to individual people (where they then input each number), or a list of employees, or all their customers. So the temporary gridview will be holding numbers, dates, possibly names. It'll almost be like a phone book or address book.. something like that.

I'm wondering if I can put each entry into a table somehow and then populate the gridview from that table?