extremely slow project loadup


Well-known member
May 30, 2008
Programming Experience
There is not much information I have about this, Me and one other is working on a project, he's been working on it for the past few months, off of my original code, around Christmas I worked on it and it was fine, I just got the solution today and it's been opening for 20 minutes and still hasn't loaded. It was like this at the office too, I haven't talked to the other programmer yet, but I was simply wondering if there is anything in particular that could cause a solution to load so slowly? I know it's not the computer or visual studio 2008, I have the solution from Christmas and it loads just fine.

Is there anything that could directly cause a solution to load slow? Mind you, this solution has a sql database and has always taken around 2 minutes to load, but never 20 like it is now..

I know theres not a lot of information for anyone to help, but like I said, if anyone knows anything that could be added to projects that would make them load slower it'd be greatly appreciated, I need to go about finding what is wrong with this solution and I don't know where to start.

There is no real way for us to what he has done exactly. If there is a timer or a timeout process that accidently got a '0' added to it's interval that would cause 2min to go to 20min, just a thought.
Are you talking about the loading time as in how long it takes VS to open the solution? Or how long it takes your app to load when you run it in VS?

I think newguy is talking about the app running from VS, but I'm not sure.

If it's simply the opening of the solution/project, how many files are in the project? It takes a few seconds per form to load into memory plus the vb IDE does a project background compile (to find build errors, warnings, etc) when the entire thing loads, that adds time as well.
I just got the solution today and it's been opening for 20 minutes and still hasn't loaded.

I think he is referring to the Solution Loading in Visual Studio. I have had this error occur in the .NET Beta back in 2001. If I remember correctly the "*.SLN" file was corrupted; or one of the files was. I am pretty sure it was the "*.SLN".

Any way the problem turned out to be that Visual Studio couldn't get out of a loop when loading because of a bad "ELEMENT" for lack of a better term, if I remember correctly, the .SLN file looks like XML and it loads similar too.

The solution was to Start a new Project or Solution and Re-Add all the Classes and Modules and rebuild the solution. Worked like a charm, and of course tell Microsoft, I thought they had fixed that though as part of the release; so it may be something different.

Don't know just taking a shot in the dark from his description.
I ended up switching to a version of the project that loaded faster, but yes I was talking about opening the project, not building, and I'm sorry for the lack of description but like I said i really don't know even what the other programmer did, and theres hardly a way of talking to him now since he has left the team. But I may try recreating the solution as element6 said above
Well if you are looking for a developer and are located in Northern Viriginia; I'm for hire.

Other than that; all I can say is that the environment variables for Visual Studio may be corrupted and causing issues. Check to see if you received a virus; or something of that nature that may be "hindering" the Visual Studio or if there is a Virus Scanner running on top of Visual Studio - this is typical for COTS development.

Slowdown of Microsoft Visual Studio due to different Virus scanner - Stack Overflow