Question Explorer Restart


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2008
Programming Experience
Is there a way to detect an explorer restart? Because my application tray icon always disappear after an explorer restart. Right now i keep a timer to refresh the icon, but if it can detect a restart, it can just refresh right away.
It should not happen, NotifyIcon class already includes the 'taskbar creation notification' described here: The Taskbar (Windows)
When this happen NotifyIcon updates its icon. I have tested and this works fine when explorer is closed and restarted. Perhaps there is a different problem with the app?
all my app use the same notifyicon1 tool. I dont know why always the same apps icon disappear when explorer restarts. Can you think of a cause?
I think maybe they were older projects. Their target framework was 4.5, i changed them to 4.6.1. I think that might have fixed it. Is that why?
No, it hasn't changed since .Net 2.0.
Then its weird, thats the only thing i changed in the project and now the icons are appearing for the projects after an explorer restart.