Excel vba and VB.Net


New member
Jun 3, 2012
Programming Experience
Hello everyone,

I have been working on an application in Excel that mines a text file, and produces a new text file that contains the unique words and frequencies of each word. I am hoping to share this with colleagues but first want to stand-alone application first. I have attempted not to use anything specific to Excel vba so that conversion would be possible. My question is quite general. How would I convert my vba code to vb.net. My code is presented below for context. Any advice is welcomed.



Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Dim Arr         As Variant
Dim x&
Dim r&
Dim newArr      As Variant
Dim CiteCount&
Dim Counter&
Dim PctDone     As Single
Dim PctTotal&
Dim PrevPct     As Double
Dim jag1n1%
Dim StartTime   As Double
Dim TI As Boolean, ab As Boolean, KW As Boolean
Dim TopR&
Dim jag%
Dim newTempArr  As Variant
Dim n%
Public CancelMe As Boolean
Sub Import_RIS()
Dim UBarr&
Dim DeleteThese As Variant
Dim d%
Dim strFile$
Dim iFF%
Dim FSO         As FileSystemObject
Dim mystring$
Dim sDummyPrint$
Dim FSOFile     As TextStream
  ' Set values for variables
    StartTime = Time()
    CancelMe = False
  ' Import File
    Set FSO = New FileSystemObject
    strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files,*.txt")
    If strFile = "False" Then GoTo ExitTheSub
  ' Use Freefile to get next available number
    iFF = FreeFile
  ' Open file and convert to string
    mystring = Space(FileLen(strFile))
    Open strFile For Binary Access Read As #iFF
        Get #iFF, , mystring
    Close #iFF
  ' Clean and trim the results
    mystring = Trim(StrConv(mystring, vbLowerCase))
  ' Delete punctuation and non-printing characters (clean)
    DeleteThese = Array(Chr(1), Chr(2), Chr(3), Chr(4), Chr(5), Chr(6), Chr(7), Chr(8), Chr(9), Chr(11), Chr(12), Chr(14), Chr(15), _
                        Chr(16), Chr(17), Chr(18), Chr(19), Chr(20), Chr(21), Chr(22), Chr(23), Chr(24), Chr(25), Chr(26), Chr(27), _
                        Chr(28), Chr(29), Chr(30), Chr(31), Chr(33), Chr(34), Chr(35), Chr(36), Chr(37), Chr(38), Chr(39), Chr(40), _
                        Chr(41), Chr(42), Chr(43), Chr(44), Chr(46), Chr(47), Chr(58), Chr(59), Chr(60), Chr(62), Chr(63), Chr(64), _
                        Chr(91), Chr(92), Chr(93), Chr(94), Chr(95), Chr(96), Chr(123), Chr(124), Chr(125), Chr(126), Chr(127), _
                        Chr(128), Chr(129), Chr(130), Chr(131), Chr(132), Chr(133), Chr(134), Chr(135), Chr(136), Chr(137), Chr(138), _
                        Chr(139), Chr(140), Chr(141), Chr(142), Chr(143), Chr(144), Chr(145), Chr(146), Chr(147), Chr(148), Chr(149), _
                        Chr(150), Chr(151), Chr(152), Chr(153), Chr(154), Chr(155), Chr(156), Chr(157), Chr(158), Chr(159), Chr(160), _
                        Chr(161), Chr(162), Chr(163), Chr(164), Chr(165), Chr(166), Chr(167), Chr(168), Chr(169), Chr(170), Chr(171), _
                        Chr(172), Chr(173), Chr(174), Chr(175), Chr(176), Chr(177), Chr(178), Chr(179), Chr(180), Chr(181), Chr(182), _
                        Chr(183), Chr(184), Chr(185), Chr(186), Chr(187), Chr(188), Chr(189), Chr(190), Chr(191), Chr(192), Chr(193), _
                        Chr(194), Chr(195), Chr(196), Chr(197), Chr(198), Chr(199), Chr(200), Chr(201), Chr(202), Chr(203), Chr(204), _
                        Chr(205), Chr(206), Chr(207), Chr(208), Chr(209), Chr(210), Chr(211), Chr(212), Chr(213), Chr(214), Chr(215), _
                        Chr(216), Chr(217), Chr(218), Chr(219), Chr(220), Chr(221), Chr(222), Chr(223), Chr(224), Chr(225), Chr(226), _
                        Chr(227), Chr(228), Chr(229), Chr(230), Chr(231), Chr(232), Chr(233), Chr(234), Chr(235), Chr(236), Chr(237), _
                        Chr(238), Chr(239), Chr(240), Chr(241), Chr(242), Chr(243), Chr(244), Chr(245), Chr(246), Chr(247), Chr(248), _
                        Chr(249), Chr(250), Chr(251), Chr(252), Chr(253), Chr(254), Chr(255))
                    For d = LBound(DeleteThese) To UBound(DeleteThese)
                        mystring = Replace(mystring, DeleteThese(d), "")
  ' Remove common symbols and words
    DeleteThese = Array("=", "-", " a ", " also ", " an ", " and ", " are ", " as ", " at ", " be ", " been ", " but ", _
                        " by ", " can ", " for ", " from ", " has ", " have ", " in ", " is ", " it ", " its ", " may ", _
                        " more ", " no ", " not ", " of ", " on ", " one ", " or ", " than ", " that ", " the ", " these ", _
                        " this ", " three ", " to ", " two ", " use ", " using ", " was ", " we ", " were ", " which ", _
                        " who ", " with ")
                    For d = LBound(DeleteThese) To UBound(DeleteThese)
                        mystring = Replace(" " & mystring & " ", DeleteThese(d), " ")
  ' Convert to array
    Arr = Split(mystring, vbCrLf)
  ' Read each element from array and update the temp array
    For x = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
        If Left(Arr(x), 6) = "ty    " Then CiteCount = CiteCount + 1    ' Count the number of citations
  ' Prepare userform
    ProgressBar.LabelProgress.Width = 0
    ProgressBar.Show vbModeless
    Counter = 0
    PctDone = 0
    PrevPct = 0
    PctTotal = CiteCount                                                ' Update to the number of comparisons
  ' Set dimensions of jagged array
    ReDim arrTemp(1 To 3)
  ' Redimension the inner arrays
    ReDim vTitle(1 To CiteCount) As String
        arrTemp(1) = vTitle
        Erase vTitle
    ReDim vAbstract(1 To CiteCount) As String
        arrTemp(2) = vAbstract
        Erase vAbstract
    ReDim vKeyWords(1 To CiteCount) As String
        arrTemp(3) = vKeyWords
        Erase vKeyWords
  ' Reset variables
    UBarr = 0: TI = False: ab = False: KW = False
  ' Read each element from array and update the temp array
    For x = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
        Select Case Left(Arr(x), 6)
            Case "ty    "                                               ' Specific to RIS format
                UBarr = UBarr + 1
                TI = False: ab = False: KW = False
            Case "t1    ", "ti    ", "bti   "
                arrTemp(1)(UBarr) = Mid(Arr(x), 7)
                TI = True: ab = False: KW = False
            Case "n2    ", "ab    "
                arrTemp(2)(UBarr) = Mid(Arr(x), 7)
                TI = False: ab = True: KW = False
            Case "kw    ", "rn    ", "mh    ", "pt    "
                With arrTemp(3)(UBarr)
                    If arrTemp(3)(UBarr) = False Then
                        arrTemp(3)(UBarr) = Mid(Arr(x), 7)
                        arrTemp(3)(UBarr) = arrTemp(3)(UBarr) & "; " & Mid(Arr(x), 7)
                    End If
                End With
                TI = False: ab = False: KW = True
            Case Else
                If TI = True Or ab = True Or KW = True Then
                    If TI = True Then
                        If Mid(Arr(x), 4, 3) = "   " Then TI = False Else _
                            arrTemp(1)(UBarr) = arrTemp(1)(UBarr) & " " & Arr(x)
                    ElseIf ab = True Then
                        If Mid(Arr(x), 4, 3) = "   " Then ab = False Else _
                            arrTemp(2)(UBarr) = arrTemp(2)(UBarr) & " " & Arr(x)
                    ElseIf KW = True Then
                        If Mid(Arr(x), 4, 3) = "   " Then KW = False Else _
                            arrTemp(3)(UBarr) = arrTemp(3)(UBarr) & "; " & Arr(x)
                    End If
                End If
        End Select
  ' Erase array to free up memory
    Erase Arr
  ' Run Dummy Analysis
    jag1n1 = 0
    For jag = 1 To 3
        newArr = arrTemp(jag)
        For n = 1 To 2
            r = 1
            DummyAnalysis n
  ' Print Dummy results
    ReDim Preserve newTempArr(TopR)
    newTempArr(1) = "Title - one word" & Chr(9) & "Freq" & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "Title - two words" & Chr(9) & "Freq" & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
            "Abstract - one word" & Chr(9) & "Freq" & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "Abstract - two words" & Chr(9) & "Freq" & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
            "Key Words - one word" & Chr(9) & "Freq" & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "Key Words - two words" & Chr(9) & "Freq"
    sDummyPrint = Join(newTempArr, vbCrLf)
    strFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Dummy - " & "Title - Abstract - KeyWords" & " (" & _
                Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ").txt"
    Set FSOFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(strFile, 2, True)                    ' Opens  file in write mode (ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3)
    With FSOFile
        .Write sDummyPrint                                              ' Write text to file
        .Close                                                          ' Close file
    End With
  Unload ProgressBar
  iFF = 1
  CiteCount = 0
  TopR = 0
  MsgBox "Task Completed..." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Time for completion:  " & _
        Format(Time() - StartTime, "Hh:mm:ss"), vbInformation, "DUMMY analysis"
End Sub
Private Sub DummyAnalysis(nWds As Integer)
Dim e&
Dim uE$
Dim y&
Dim d$
Dim arrCitation
Dim z&
Dim AllKeys
Dim AllItems
Dim Dic1             As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim Dic2             As New Scripting.Dictionary
On Error Resume Next
  ' Prepare userform
    ProgressBar.LabelProgress.Width = 0
    ProgressBar.Show vbModeless
    Counter = 0
    PctDone = 0
    PrevPct = 0
    PctTotal = CiteCount                                                ' Update to the number of comparisons
  ' Clear Scripting dictionaries
  ' Run analysis on all cells in specific range
    For e = LBound(newArr) To UBound(newArr)
        With Dic1
            .CompareMode = vbTextCompare
          ' Set type of delimiter
            If jag > 2 Then d = "; " Else d = " "
          ' For each citation --> create array with all unique elements(uE)
            arrCitation = Split(newArr(e), d)
                For x = LBound(arrCitation) To UBound(arrCitation) - nWds + 1
                    uE = vbNullString
                        If IsNumeric(arrCitation(y)) = False And arrCitation(y) <> ";" Then
                                For y = x To x + nWds - 1: uE = uE & arrCitation(y) & d: Next y
                                .Item(Trim(uE)) = 0
                        End If
                Next x
    End With
    With Dic2
        .CompareMode = vbBinaryCompare
          ' Update the Scripting.Dictionary array with the new elements
            For z = 0 To Dic1.Count - 1
                If Not .Exists(Dic1.Keys(z)) Then
                      .Add Dic1.Keys(z), 1
                Else: .Item(Dic1.Keys(z)) = .Item(Dic1.Keys(z)) + 1: End If
    End With
  ' Clear the dictionary
' Next citation
    With Dic2
      ' Convert the Keys and Items into arrays
        AllKeys = .Keys
        AllItems = .Items
        .RemoveAll ' Clean the dictionary
    End With
      ' Enlarge the array if needed to accomodate more results
        If jag = 1 And jag1n1 = 0 Then ReDim newTempArr(UBound(AllKeys) + 1)
      ' Add results to Array
        For z = LBound(AllKeys) To UBound(AllKeys)
            If AllItems(z) / CiteCount > 0.01 And Len(Trim(Application.Clean(AllKeys(z)))) > 0 And AllKeys(z) <> ";" Then
                r = r + 1
                If newTempArr(r) = "" Then
                    Select Case True
                        Case jag = 1 And n = 1
                            newTempArr(r) = AllKeys(z) & Chr(9) & AllItems(z)
                            jag1n1 = 1
                        Case jag = 1 And n = 2
                            newTempArr(r) = Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
                                            AllKeys(z) & Chr(9) & AllItems(z)
                        Case jag = 2 And n = 1
                            newTempArr(r) = Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
                                            AllKeys(z) & Chr(9) & AllItems(z)
                        Case jag = 2 And n = 2
                            newTempArr(r) = Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
                                            Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
                                            AllKeys(z) & Chr(9) & AllItems(z)
                        Case jag = 3 And n = 1
                            newTempArr(r) = Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
                                            Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
                                            Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
                                            AllKeys(z) & Chr(9) & AllItems(z)
                        Case jag = 3 And n = 2
                            newTempArr(r) = Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
                                            Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
                                            Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & _
                                            AllKeys(z) & Chr(9) & AllItems(z)
                    End Select
                    If Right(newTempArr(r), 1) = Chr(9) Then
                        newTempArr(r) = newTempArr(r) & Chr(9) & AllKeys(z) & Chr(9) & AllItems(z)
                        newTempArr(r) = newTempArr(r) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & AllKeys(z) & Chr(9) & AllItems(z)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        If r > TopR Then TopR = r
End Sub
but arrays of variant is requested
Yes, that's Object array in VB.Net.
I didn't say Object, I said Object array.
Dim o() As Object = {"this", 1, True}
I didn't say Object, I said Object array.
Dim o() As Object = {"this", 1, True}
Before, your post above, i had there, Dim avarObjects(0 to 2) As Object instead.
My code, now:
[XCODE=vb]Dim avarObjects() As Object = {"this", 1, True}
        Dim adblXYs(0 To 5) As Double
        Dim alngDataRowIDs(0 To 2) As Long
        Dim alngShapeIDs() As Long
        Dim vsoDataRecordset As Visio.DataRecordset
        Dim intRecordsetCount As Integer

        intRecordsetCount = pjVis.DataRecordsets.Count
        vsoDataRecordset = pjVis.DataRecordsets(intRecordsetCount)

        avarObjects(0) = appVis.Documents("BASIC_M.VSS").Masters.ItemU("Rectangle")
        avarObjects(1) = appVis.Documents("BASIC_M.VSS").Masters.ItemU("Rectangle")
        avarObjects(2) = appVis.Documents("BASIC_M.VSS").Masters.ItemU("Rectangle")

        adblXYs(0) = 2
        adblXYs(1) = 2
        adblXYs(2) = 4
        adblXYs(3) = 4
        adblXYs(4) = 6
        adblXYs(5) = 6

        alngDataRowIDs(0) = 1
        alngDataRowIDs(1) = 2
        alngDataRowIDs(2) = 3

        pjVis.Application.ActivePage.DropManyLinkedU(avarObjects, XYs:=adblXYs, DataRecordsetID:=vsoDataRecordset.ID, DataRowIDs:=alngDataRowIDs, ApplyDataGraphicAfterLink:=False, ShapeIDs:=alngShapeIDs)[/XCODE]
but it still not working, i have no idea what {"this", 1, True} means, maybe i didnt apply your code properly. Error is same.

I read samewhere on internet, that maybe i should Import VB6, but i coulnd define Dim avarObjects() As VBA.VbVarType.vbVariant (i have import VBA), is this right way?It seems me complicated for such method
sorry for my english
You also need this: Integer Data Type for Visual Basic 6.0 Users
VB6/VBA data type Long is data type Integer in VB.Net, so for example your Long array is wrong array type. You can read the signature of the interop method and see what it expects using Intellisense or Object Browser.
that maybe i should Import VB6, but i coulnd define Dim avarObjects() As VBA.VbVarType.vbVariant (i have import VBA), is this right way?
No, that is incorrect. You are working with a VB.Net interop layer, where each data type must be marshaled to COM using the correct VB.Net data type.
thx, very much:) its working now
You can read the signature of the interop method and see what it expects using Intellisense or Object Browser.
Function DropManyLinkedU(ByRef ObjectsToInstance As System.Array, ByRef XYs As System.Array, DataRecordsetID As Integer, ByRef DataRowIDs As System.Array, ApplyDataGraphicAfterLink As Boolean, ByRef ShapeIDs As System.Array) As Integer <---this is it?..i thought it is type of return
Oh, "As System.Array" in interop signature wasn't very helpful, though :)

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