excel strange behavior


New member
Oct 6, 2008
Programming Experience
Excel.Application / RunningObjectTable

I have a project where I create a new Excel.Application (version 11) and write to it. The problem is, after creating the excel.application if a user tries to open a previously saved Excel file (from their desktop for instance) then my excel.application's visibility is set to true automatically, which reveals my table and I do not want that.

I was told this is because my excel.application is the first entry in the RunningObjectTable, so my question is how do I implement RevokeActiveObject to get my object out of the ROT if I never used RegisterActiveObject?

Option Explicit On
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes
Module Module1

      Private Declare Function CreateBindCtx Lib "ole32" ( _
      ByVal dwReserved As Integer, ByRef pBindCtx As IBindCtx) As Integer

      Private Declare Sub RevokeActiveObject Lib "oleaut32" ( _
      ByVal dwregister As Long, ByRef pvReserved As Long)

      Private Declare Unicode Function CLSIDFromProgID Lib "ole32" ( _
      ByVal lpszProgId As String, ByRef pclsid As Guid) As Integer
public sub test()
         Dim excelObj As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
            excelObj.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1) = "a"
     Dim bindctx As IBindCtx
            CreateBindCtx(0, bindctx)
            Dim clsid As Guid
            Dim hresult As Integer = CLSIDFromProgID("Excel.Application", clsid)
            Dim pprot As IRunningObjectTable
            Dim ppenumMoniker As IEnumMoniker
            Dim rgelt(0) As IMoniker
            Dim pceltFetched As Integer
            Do While ppenumMoniker.Next(rgelt.Length, rgelt, pceltFetched) = 0
                  Dim ppszDisplayName As String
                  rgelt(0).GetDisplayName(bindctx, Nothing, ppszDisplayName)
                  If (ppszDisplayName = "Book2" Or ppszDisplayName = "Book1") Then
                        'RemoveActiveObject(excelObj, vnROTID)
                        Console.WriteLine("var is {0}", excelObj.ToString)
                        Console.WriteLine("guid of excel is {0}", clsid.ToString("B").ToUpper())
                  End If
            'excelObj.Visible = True
      End Sub
Ok so Im going to repeat my last post and ignore everything about the ROT; maybe someone has a different workaround.

I am making an application which creates a new Excel.Application.

The problem; if someone opens an existing Excel workbook after I create my Excel.Application, it's visibility is set to true. Is there a way to keep my visibility false?
For those utterly interested, all you have to do is excelObj.IgnoreRemoteRequests = True

this will cause a second instance of excel to be opened on file open or through start menu.

I'm not sure if this is the same between 2003 and 2007, but with 2003, what I've always done is:

private _app as Excel.Application

public sub StartApp()
  _app = New Excel.Application
  _app.Visible = False
end sub

from there you can utilize _app.Open() and the excel app never becomes visible, but like I said that is 2003, i don't know if it is the same.