Excel password protection


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2006
South Africa
Programming Experience
Is it possible to automatically input the password for a protected Excel worksheet/workbook? I have an Excel document that I work with frequently but it has to be password protected so that other people can't change the data inside it. The problem is I have to enter the password over and over again and it's getting really irritating.

I know there are password removers and password crackers out there but is there anything I can do to simply just open the document, have the password entered and then work with it? Maybe I could remove the password then recreate it after I'm done? I really don't know.
The simplest way I found to sort this out was simply to just add a VBA script to the Excel document itself. When the workbook loads it checks to see who the current user is and depending on who it is it either enables or disables the password protection. The script itself is then password protected so it cannot be tampered with.

Not a very nifty solution but it's super simple and incredibly basic so anyone can do it. Problem solved.