Hi all,
I'm using an older version of .net (1.1) and I was looking for an implementation of BackgroundWorker that I could use with it. I found one here (TALLEY OURO BLOG: Custom Backgroundworker with VB), but I have trouble understanding one part of it.
The example includes this declaration
with a delegate handler and argument class. My problem is that the code contains the following line
Nowhere else in the code does the exact text
I'm using an older version of .net (1.1) and I was looking for an implementation of BackgroundWorker that I could use with it. I found one here (TALLEY OURO BLOG: Custom Backgroundworker with VB), but I have trouble understanding one part of it.
The example includes this declaration
Public Event DoWork As DoWorkEventHandler
with a delegate handler and argument class. My problem is that the code contains the following line
If Not (DoWorkEvent Is Nothing) Then
Nowhere else in the code does the exact text
appear, but the compiler accepts it quite happily. Can you tell me whether this name is created automatically, and could you point me towards an explanation in the .net help?DoWorkEvent