Error CompilerServices - Inherits Error on my StatefulPhoneApplication Class

Jun 30, 2013
Programming Experience
Hi Friends of!

New to this every day - and wanted to share this error I get every time I compile my app....

Seems something is wrong With my StatefulPhoneApplication Class implementation. It works ok - but maybee a Reference error somewhere. It errors in "my.g.i.vb" ?!?! What is this file? And how do i put this error into a fix. See attachment.

Thanks for any feedback on this.


  • error3.png
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Hi....thanks for the time and your awsome help on this.

So cool - a bet you know everything:)

I get the feeling that you are being sarcastic because you think that I was or that I was somehow having a go at you. I was not. It was a legitimate question. The error message is saying that that particular type doesn't exist as far as that code is concerned. Obviously you believe that the type does exist. If we know where you think that type is defined then we can work from there to determine exactly what the issue is. Either the type exists or it doesn't, so that's the first thing to determine.
Ok. For now I changed the codebehind file to my mainpage.xaml.vb file to "Inherits Global.App.Namspace.Class" instead of "Inherits Class". It now builds the UI and deploys without error in "my.g.i.vb-file"?!?

I thought "Imports App.Namespace" was enough - but "Global" was needed?!

I will for sure add more on why as that falls into place.....the Journey continues:)
Allright - A solution to my issue surfaced! As my issue above shows I have a Type error.

In my case it point to a class-file that is defined and has no errors, that in relation to inheratance or other.

But one of my other classes, which is allso tied to the same xaml-page in my Project, I had a "Namspace Name" that I adjusted to "Namespace Nameapp". Case closed. My namingculture has had a though lesson!