Entering New Data in Datagrid view to database.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi! humbly requested that how can i eneterd new data in datagrid view for the new sale invoice in database in ADO.Net

please help me i am stuck here and help me out of this problem.

Looking Forword for your Kind HELP.
Create a DataTable. Populate it with existing data from the database using a DataAdapter if desired (Fill). If you don't want any existing data, either build the schema manually or use a DataAdapter to build it (FillSchema). Bind the DataTable to your grid via a BindingSource. Once the user has finished editing the data, save it to the database using the same DataAdapter (Update).
Thanks : jmcilhinney

Thanks very much:rolleyes: jmcilhinney

Dear Sir,
if u have any Sample available for our problem please provide us.

We shall be really thankfull to You for this Act of Kindness.
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Saving data from data grid view in DataBase

Hi! humbly requested that how can i eneterd new data in datagrid view for the new sale/Purchase invoice in database in ADO.Net

please help me i am stuck here and help me out of this problem.

If having any Sample about to Save data from DataGridView in the DataBase please send me. I will be very thankfull for this type of kindness.

Looking Forword for your Kind HELP.