I am using system.net.mail to create an html email and store to my drafts box in gmail (also using free S22.imap 4.0)
the email seems ok but I am getting extra white spaces in the body and cannot figure what I am doing wrong.
Is the odd HTML code causing issues ?
If I use the HTML visualizer in the code, the email seems fine.
Please see the code below and offer any suggestions as I am pulling whats left of my hair out
the email seems ok but I am getting extra white spaces in the body and cannot figure what I am doing wrong.
Is the odd HTML code causing issues ?
If I use the HTML visualizer in the code, the email seems fine.
Please see the code below and offer any suggestions as I am pulling whats left of my hair out
Using Client As New ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993, EmailUser, YourPasswordTB.Text, AuthMethod.Login, True)
Dim message As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage()
message.From = New MailAddress("myemail@here.com")
message.IsBodyHtml = True
message.Subject = EmailSub
Dim strMsg
' below line is optional for high priority emails
message.Priority = MailPriority.High
' company name w/red backround at top of email
strMsg = ""
strMsg = strMsg & "<html><body><p></p>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<table width='100%' border='0' bgcolor='red'>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<tr><td><h2><center><font size='5' color=black strong>Company Name</font></center></h2></td></tr>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<tr><td><h3><center><font size='2' color=white>company modo</font></center></h3></td></tr>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<tr></tr>"
strMsg = strMsg & "</table></body></html>"
'Prepare email body
EmailBody = strMsg & "<br>"
EmailBody = EmailBody & "<br>"
EmailBody = EmailBody & "Dear " & Customername.Text & ","
EmailBody = EmailBody & "<br>"
EmailBody = EmailBody & "<p>Thank you for choosing Company Name as a supplier of your new " & ModelCB.SelectedItem & ", S/N " & Serialnumber.Text & ". "
EmailBody = EmailBody & "Before your machine arrives please take the time to review the attached Foundation print and Specification sheet"
EmailBody = EmailBody & " that has the detailed information about your machine. Once you have reviewed this information click on the "
EmailBody = EmailBody & link & " for more information in preparing the foundation and what should be done before your new Company Name " & ModelCB.SelectedItem & " arrives. </p>"
EmailBody = EmailBody & "<p>Reviewing this information will allow for both, a smooth installation and demonstration.</p>"
EmailBody = EmailBody & "<p>Should you have any questions preparing for the arrival of your new Company Name " & ModelCB.SelectedItem
EmailBody = EmailBody & " or you are ready for your machine to be installed and demonstrated by your local Company Name "
EmailBody = EmailBody & "Service Representative call any of the contacts listed below.</p>"
EmailBody = EmailBody & "<p>We are looking forward to installing your new Company Name " & ModelCB.SelectedItem & ".</p>"
EmailBody = EmailBody & "<p>Attachments: Foundation Print, Machine Specifications Sheet and " & link & "</p>"
EmailBody = EmailBody & "<p>Respectfully,</p>"
EmailBody = EmailBody & "<FONT COLOR=8B0000 size='4' strong>Company Name</FONT>"
EmailBody = EmailBody & "<br>Tom</br>"
message.Body = EmailBody
End Using