Question dynamic global resource file (resx)?


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2010
Programming Experience

I have resource file and i wonder if i could use Now.Year in this resx?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards
The question doesn't really make sense as asked. If you've embedded a resource then the data is as it was when it was embedded. Now.Year is something that you would use in code. Please explain what you're actually trying to achieve and we can then suggest the best way to achieve it.

There is a resource file lets say sample.resx. In this resx file there is a key name year and value 2010. What i would like to do is to make it dynamic. Because it would not be so effective every year change this value to the current year so if there is a way to use {Now.Year} or something like that in this value field instead of writing 2011,2012 ...etc.

Thanks in advance.
That doesn't explain what you're trying to do. It explains how you're trying to do it. You can't do it like that. If you don;t explain what you're trying to do then we can't explain how you CAN do it. The choice is yours.