DropDownList does not exist?


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2008
Programming Experience
I've got a page that has 7 DropDownLists. For some reason, just one of them causes this error when I try to build:

Error	2	C:\ASP\HereWeGo\Request.aspx.vb(11): error BC30456: 'ddlSize' is not a member of 'Request'.

I did nothing different when creating this object compared to any of the others. I've tried deleting and re-creating the object. I've looked through all my other pages to see if there was some naming conflict, but it's the only ddlSize in the whole project. When I click on "View In Browser", it runs just fine without any errors. But because I can't actually BUILD it, I can't DEBUG it. Any idea why this is happening with just this one object and how I might fix it?
Rebuilt from scratch

I never did figure out what the heck was wrong. Basically I deleted the entire page and rebuilt it from scratch. As far as I can tell I did everything exactly the same, but this time there's no problem. Sorry to have wasted your time with this.