Draw On Screen


Jun 3, 2004
OK, i need some fast efficent way to draw on screen, i have a trackbar, and i need whenever this bar's value changes to draw this line on the screen. Not draw on a window, no window, the screen; on top of watever there is. Any ideas? (i tried using LineTo function, but can't get it to work)
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As far as I know, you have to have some control on which to draw (without some indepth API's at least). I'm not sure what what you want to draw (what's the purpose of the line?). Perhaps you could explain.

To make it appears as though you are drawing on only the screen, you could create a borderless form with the BackColor and TransparencyKey properties set to the same color (an invisible form). Then you could use GDI+ methods to draw the lines (graphics.DrawLine)
Yes, this line is for a full screen game. The line is a actually a bunch of points drawn to make a line. Rite now I'm using


and have it refresh every so and so so it stays on top of the game.....it draws fine....but laggs computer horribly! I'm looking for a more efficient method.

And the transparent window will flicker crazily if it's on top of the full screen game