Draggable transparent string box???


New member
Nov 6, 2007
Programming Experience
Can anyone help me with what I'm trying to accomplish:

1. I have a bitmap on a form.
2. At runtime, I want to place several "labels" on the bitmap that contain text surrounded by a rectangle.
3. I want to user to be able to drag these labels around.
4. The labels need to be transparent.

I have figured out how to create draggable labels, but making them transparent is not easy.

I am thinking that this would be easier using pictureboxes and drawstring methods, but I'm not sure.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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l.BackColor = Color.Transparent
It does when I move it, I would hardly call it smooth, but if you stop moving for a short while it's transparent still as I see it.
Yes, I just set a background image for the container of the label, like form or a panel.