doube click row - fill textboxes


Feb 15, 2005
Programming Experience
i have a category, vendor, part_no, description, cost, markup textboxes. I enter data into those textboxes and click add

add then takes the data from the textboxes and inserts into "inventory" table in a sql server

then refreshes the datagrid showing the table "inventory" w/ added row

now heres my problem

i want to be able to double click or click a row in the datagrid and it takes each column and puts the text back into the text boxes so i can press delete

how do i double click or click a row and it send the information from the grid's row into the right textboxes?

Yes this did work and this is the event i made to make that work just encase anyone else wanted to know, i'll be nice and post my working code so that everyone can benefit unlike others who just say "it's fixed" and don't let everyone in on how it was "fixed"

Thank you very much!

Private Sub dgParts_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dgParts.DoubleClick
partID = dgParts.Item(dgParts.CurrentRowIndex, 0) 
cbCategory.Text = dgParts.Item(dgParts.CurrentRowIndex, 1)
cbVendor.Text = dgParts.Item(dgParts.CurrentRowIndex, 2)
txtPartnumber.Text = dgParts.Item(dgParts.CurrentRowIndex, 3)
txtDescription.Text = dgParts.Item(dgParts.CurrentRowIndex, 4)
txtCost.Text = dgParts.Item(dgParts.CurrentRowIndex, 5)
txtMarkup.Text = dgParts.Item(dgParts.CurrentRowIndex, 6)
End Sub