don't show selection in data grid view


New member
Jul 4, 2007
Programming Experience
i've been looking for some code or property that gives my datagridview the apperance of not selecting anything.
i came up with the idea that if i set the HighlightColor to the same of the non selected cells, it would look like i'm not selecting anything... but then appears the freaking :mad: FocusRect...

how should i do it?
If you set dgv.CurrentCell=Nothing then nothing is selected and nothing appears selected.
:) such a great idea...

now the problem might be when to set that property... when clicking when focusing, or when?

is that the most correct way to do this..i mean, am i the only weirdo who uses the dgv as a "showing data" control?

The ClearSelection method is better, set it initially and also in SelectionChanged event, plus ReadOnly=True.
Not here, doing that makes the cells totally untouchable, almost, add AllowUserToResizeColumns+Rows=False also. Are you referring to the row header arrow perhaps? RowHeaderVisible can be set False.
yeah, i want to make them untouchable, i mean i'm just using them for showing some data...

once I quicly read that the way to wipe out the focus rect is somehow with some drawings methods.. jojo i really don't remeber well..

thanks man