doc.Save command not working! Please help!


New member
Apr 20, 2011
Programming Experience
Anyone know why the doc.Save("filename.xlm") might not be working? Trying to do a simple routine - just loading an existing xml file and saving as another name onto local C: drive. Seems to run ok ie no errors, but the file doesn't save. 'Save' part of the doc.Save command is coming up as a different type colour in dreamweaver. Any suggestions?

Also, secondary problem, getting error if use a long directory name in the doc.Save destination filename - comes up with 'URI formats are not supported' - anyone know what that might mean?
How to save xml download as xml file?

Trying to download an xml feed from Amazon to then store and use content to populate site. Can't find a way to save the file. It loads ok but then nothing I've tried allows me to save the file as an xml file, even to a local drive (ie no issues relating to read-only access to server etc) - it's just not appearing using the doc.Save command.

The following is at the top of the include file called:

[FONT=&quot]<%@ Page Inherits="abcs_namespace.bundles_process" Src="bundles_cb.vb" %>
<%@ Assembly Src="includes/MM_XSLTransform/MM_XSLTransform.vb" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="abcs_namespace" %> [/FONT]

this is the code which using to try to save:

[FONT=&quot] Dim doc9 As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
'doc9.Load(" http www abc co uk/ includes / abc - header.xml " )" [/FONT][FONT=&quot]http www abc co uk/ includes / abc - header2.xml " )[/FONT]

the third line above is one which we've tried to use to make this work using an existing file but the command didn't save it as a different name

Any suggestions as to how we might get this to work?

Thanks to anyone who might help