Question Do Until loop - adding text (as integer) to a textbox


Aug 12, 2009
Programming Experience
HI All

I am trying to understand the do until loop when adding numbers along with a variable to a new line in a textbox, incrementing each time.

My current example is very simple but only returns the first value. I require the output to be incremented automatically, so I thought a do until loop would be best.

current code:

Dim linenumber As String
        Dim lines As Integer
        Dim linestart As Integer
        Dim linesend As Integer
        linenumber = "Line number:"
        lines = 0
        linestart = lines + 1
        linesend = 10
        TextBox1.Text = (linenumber & linestart & (vbNewLine & linenumber & linesend))

The outcome is for me expected so far, all the above gives is Line number: 1 and Line number 10: but I am not understanding this loop.

I need to the output to be

Line number: 1
Line number: 2
Line number: 3

through to Line number 10

Any help?



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You need DO to say where the loop starts
Loop to say when to go back there
And Until or While to say when to stop going back.

Dim linenumber As String 
Dim lines As Integer ' The line being processed.
Dim linestart As Integer ' The first line number
Dim linesend As Integer ' The last line number
linenumber = "Line number:"
lines = linestart - 1 ' Starts counting lines. Starts from 1 less than linestart, so that when you add 1 it becomes linestart

[B][B][B]Do ' Everything from here to loop will be repeated
lines += 1 ' Adds one to the line being processed
TextBox1.Text = textbox1.text & environment.newline & Linenumber & lines ' Adds the current line to the text box.
Loop until lines = linesend ' Goes back to the Do statement, unless you've done the last line.[/B][/B][FONT=Verdana]

However it is better to do counting loops with FOR.

For L = 1 to linesend
TextBox1.Text = textbox1.text & environment.newline & Linenumber & lines ' Adds the current line to the text box.
Next L
thank you so much for the guidance, very simple after your clear instructions, this works a treat.

Currently I have the following

 Dim linenumber As String
            Dim linenum As Integer
            Dim lines As Integer
            Dim linestart As Integer
            Dim linesend As Integer

            linenum = lines + 1
            linenumber = "Line: "
            lines = 0
            linestart = lines + 1
            linesend = 100

            For L = 1 To linesend
                RichTextBox2.Text = RichTextBox2.Text & vbNewLine & linenumber & L ' Adds the current line to the text box.
            Next L

Now I have the next conumdrum...

I need to read the lines of a textbox after loading a textfile and append the amount of lines to the integer 'linesend' that I can use in the above code to determine the value.

I then have a splitcontainer with 2 textboxes the left box will contain the line number code above and the 2nd textbox that contains the textfile I have loaded. The loading of the textfile works perfectly but I need to make sure the left textbox scrolls with the right text box.

any ideas?