My form has four panels, each contains radio buttons.
At design time, all buttons have checked = false, which is what I want when form loads.
When the form loads a radio button in one panel has checked = true
For the other three panels, all radio buttons have checked = false.
I have tested this with no code in the Form_load subrroutine.
How is checked = true being set for that that one radio button ?
Does The IDE somehow force at least one radio button on the form to have checked = true?
Can I force checked = false for all radio buttons when the form loads? If so, how?
At design time, all buttons have checked = false, which is what I want when form loads.
When the form loads a radio button in one panel has checked = true
For the other three panels, all radio buttons have checked = false.
I have tested this with no code in the Form_load subrroutine.
How is checked = true being set for that that one radio button ?
Does The IDE somehow force at least one radio button on the form to have checked = true?
Can I force checked = false for all radio buttons when the form loads? If so, how?