Do I need a table column or "on the fly" calculation


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2007
Redcar, England
Programming Experience
Hi There,

sorry if this is in the wrong forum but I thought it may cover more than one subject.

I have a table with "FitterName", "WorkedHours" and "ChargedHours" columns.

I need to display (in both reports and in forms) the difference between the charged and the worked. Should I have a 4th column with "Difference" or make my forms and reports calculate it when requested.

Was hoping someone had experience of both ways and could advise.


In your SQL select, create the 4th column.

I.E. don't have it as a physical field in your DB, but let your query work it out;

SELECT FitterName, WorkedHours, ChargedHours, (WorkedHours - ChargedHours) AS DiffHours
FROM Table

Not sure how you want the difference to be - with that I set to worked minus charged. You could have it the other way round if needbe.
If your form will edit either the Worked or the CHarged hours, and you require an instant update of the data, then the column must be calculated by an Expression:

Your datatable will have an extra readonly column, not present in the db, and not present in any queries. It will have its .Expression column set to:

[ChargedHours] - [WorkedHours]

This is a string. If set in code, it needs "quotes". If set in the designer, just write it.

I do require an instant update of the data so thanks for that cjard.

I will also look into your SQL select method Arg as this may be useful for me in future.

Thanks very much
