Second he didn't load the whole table(s) in the client.
I'm not saying he did, I'm jsut giving you an example of the bad coding I've seen. You've provided no code, nor any detailed descriptions of what you do beyond vague talk of "collections" and loading data into them. I've seen a thousand ways to write bad code; should I list them all to you so you can say 1000 times "no, he didnt do that"?
- if that's the way you think (and hence code) then it might actually be a good clue why your programs are slow: you pick inappropriate ways to do things. Tell us what he does do, not wait for us to suggest N possibilities of what he doesnt do..
(As a coding analogy: If you want to check a number is greater than 0, less than 99, and equal to 1, do you do one check, or do you check 98 times than it is not equal to number 0, 2, 3, 4, ... 99 ?)
I'd point out that your problem descriptions and bug reports arent.
My question was if collections slow down the performance.
That's like asking if a hammer affects the performance of a computer. You dont say whether youre repeatedly smashing the the keyboard with it, or whether it's just on the desk. Having "a collection" lying around in memory isnt going to "slow the performance". Having a million collections lying aroudn with 100 threads dedicated to reading and writing to them randomly and meaninglessly, is going to slow the performance of other threads.
Are you starting to see that your question is nearly completely nonsensical?
If you don't know or you are busy, you don't have to answer the question.
I guess I should say, put more effort into the question, describing your modus operandi etc, and someone will put more effort into an answer. As it stands, what can I day; i wrote a program that uses Collections to de-dupe data. It can write files faster than the RAID array can keep up. Clearly Collections dont "slow the performance" - should I just have said "No" in answer to your original question?