Dlls and main menus


New member
Mar 4, 2005
Phoenix, Arizona
Programming Experience
I have an application in which I need to weekly update one of the menus in on the main menu bar. I had figured that I could compile the main application and then use a dll file to build the menu item. The problem is that while I can call the entire form from a dll, I can't find a way to bring in just a single menuitem. The rest of the menu items will stay the same and I really hadn't wanted to recompile the entire application in the form of a dll every week. What is the best way to solve this?


1) how can I use a MainMenu item that is contained in a dll?
2) I this is not possible, what would be the best idea to accomplish this goal?
You could use a text file with the names of the menu items in it. You could then read the file and for each line add a menu item and eventhandle. Or the same kind of thing but use a DB.


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