DLL question during deployment please


Active member
Jan 23, 2008
Programming Experience
I'm just quite confused with how .net references the DLLs in my VB.net code.

Here's the scenario:

I've downloaded a solution with 6 projects from VS Source Safe, opened the solution and most of the projects have errors because the DLLs they're referencing cannot be found. I then searched for the DLLs from Sourcesafe, downloaded them in my C:\NewFolder dir, and pointed the solution's projects to use those DLLs in my C:\NewFolder dir.

Now, my question is, I will need to deploy this solution now, and do I need to worry that these projects references the DLLs in my C:\NewFolder directory after rebuilding the solution? Because the target machine or server might not have c:\NewFolder directory structure?

Is the reference path during design time still carries forward to the deployment version?

Is the reference path during design time still carries forward to the deployment version?
No, referenced private assemblies are deployed to application folder (Copy Local is True) - or not at all if they are GAC assemblies (Copy Local is False), in which case deployment would need to install them separately first as prerequisite packages.