Displaying the immediate window


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
Programming Experience
I have never used this and now find that I need to but cannot get it to display.

The help says it is opened from the Debug menu - Windws - Immediate.

But there is no immediate option on this menu and I can't find it elsewhere?
No, it's "Debug menu - Windows - Immediate", default shortcut is Ctrl-G.
Yes but as I said previously : But there is no immediate option on this menu and I can't find it elsewhere?

Ctrl-g prompts me to go to a line number?
That is strange, any change you could have removed it? To customize: menu Tools > Customize... here you can find in Commands tab Debug category the Immediate command, it can be dragged into the Debug-Windows menu. You can also click "Rearrange Commands" button to get a dialog for this, here select menu bar "Debug | Windows", click Add button and get the Immediate command from Debug category.

The keyboard shortcuts can be reached from Customize dialog, or via menu Tools, Options, select Environment, Keyboard (need "show all settings"). (Default) keyboard scheme, filter by "immediate". In my default settings this command has both Ctrl-G (Global) and Ctrl-Alt-I (Global).
oooo well done that man!

I have no idea how that got removed?? Ant this is the first time I have used the Customise option too!

However the immediate window is now there for me to use

Thanks :):)