Question Display empty columns if there is no data


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2010
Programming Experience
I have created a cross tab in crystal report in which there are 3 groups and a summary field and i am displaying the cros tab data according to the startdate and end date given by the employee. Problem is if in one cross tab some of the dates from start to end dates are not having the data then it is not displaying te non dates with 0 value. I want all the cross tab's to have the same size. Is it possible?

I don't completely understand what you are understanding for, so if you could post code examples or elaborate, that'd be great.
But from what the topic name says, if you do a check kind of like this...
If string.isnullorempty(data.column(0)) or string.isnullorwhitespace(data.column(0)) or data.column(0) = 0 then
data.column(0) = " "
End If
Of course you can try changing " " to Nothing. Also, my if statement is being a bit redundant, so you can feel free to modify that.

If this is not what you are looking for, then please elaborate.
I have created a crystal report which is having 3 groups group1,group2,group3 in group3 i have placed crosstab which displays the details according to startdate and enddate for that i have written a formula in report->section formula->record as {Record.Record Date} in {?StartDate} to {?EndDate}.
Everything is fine except if for some group there is no data in the range of startdate and enddate then it is not showing those dates. I want all the crosstab's to have all the columns from startdate to enddate and if data is not there then 0 should be displayed. I think i have expained it clearly now
