Disconnected Team Development?


VB.NET Forum Admin
Jun 3, 2004
Programming Experience
How many of you do team development but do not work co-located? If so, how do you manage your source code in a disconnected manner? We are outfitted with team tools such as FogBugz, AnswerTrack, and are looking for disconnected source code control methods as well. I haven't researched Source OffSite, but if anyone cares to share how your business succeeds with disconnected team development, please share.
Just as a follow-up, we went with the multi-user license of SourceGear Vault (source-code control) and have been amazed at the Internet connectivity performance, etc. We also use AnswerTrack for e-mail ticketing which has worked great handing off between developers as well as FogCreek's FogBugz for bug tracking/team development feature tracking, and development discussions.
Good.... I was about to suggest Valut.... IMHO it is much superior to VSS. We only use VSS here because it's free and well.... at the time Vault wasn't available.

TechGnome said:
Good.... I was about to suggest Valut.... IMHO it is much superior to VSS. We only use VSS here because it's free and well.... at the time Vault wasn't available.


FYI, Vault is FREE for single-users. Vault can also import VSS if you're looking to migrate. I am curious to see how the SCC is VS.NET 2005's suite works, but I'm not sure I'd switch from Vault at this time.