Disable system hotkeys!!!


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2005
Programming Experience
Does anyone knows how to start .net app fullscreen (without Title bare or close, minimiye ... buttons) and how to disable hotkeys like CTRL+ATL+DELETE OR ALT+F4 ...

I know this is hard to do but i was wondering if anyone had any expirience with that.:confused:
one way would be to set the form's borderstyle to none and the windowstate to Maximized then change the computer's resolution to whatever res you need, there is a thread on here with a function that i posted to change the system resolution in vb.net 2003 here perhaps i'll dig it up if ya want it

other than that formborderstyle = none, windowstate = maximized

and i dont know how to disable those key combo's either, but alt + tab will switch off of your app as well, so you might want to disable that one too

while i'm at it, dont you have this exact thread over on vbforums.com too? i'm JuggaloBrotha there too
No, I am not even registered there. But is it neccessary to change system resolution?
But the more important question is how to disable hotkeys so the user CAN NOT EXIT APP OR USE WINDOWS (ANY PART) without proper password in app.
in this case no it's not nessesary to change the resolution, when i posted it last night i was thinking this was for a game or something lol

anywho i dont know how to disable the system key combinations
frix199 said:
u want beleive this.... i found the code u need in a signature of a forum...lol...
u lucky boi :p

ask kulrom 2 tell u the "path" string....

this is 2 disable


this is 2 enable



Could you tell me the path string?
frix199 said:
o and i found the way 2 disable alt f4...
'on the [B]keypress[/B] else it wont work...
        If e.KeyCode = Keys.Alt Or Keys.F4 Then e.Handled = True

Could you not expand this code with:
Or Keys.Control Or Keys.Delete