I have my form working, but I am reusing a lot of code to do updates and edits to the data. I want to localize these and make them into their own subs that I can call with in my other subs.
Originally I was using a sub with the System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs event. Now that I am doing a new sub, I do not want to use this, as it is nearly impossible to supply the correct arguments for that event.
how do I need to call to make a call to the following sub work properly?
I was trying to call something like insertDB(DataGridView1.CurrentRowIndex + 1), but of course that is not going to give me what I need. By the way, this sub is what I am using to create a new record on a btn_click handler.
Originally I was using a sub with the System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs event. Now that I am doing a new sub, I do not want to use this, as it is nearly impossible to supply the correct arguments for that event.
how do I need to call to make a call to the following sub work properly?
I was trying to call something like insertDB(DataGridView1.CurrentRowIndex + 1), but of course that is not going to give me what I need. By the way, this sub is what I am using to create a new record on a btn_click handler.
Private Sub insertDB(ByVal rowIndex As Integer)
_Conn = New SqlConnection(_ConnString)
Dim theRow As Integer = rowIndex
Dim gridRow As DataGridViewRow = DataGridView1.Rows(theRow)
Dim theDate As Date = Date.Parse(DateTimePicker1.Text)
Dim depositID As Integer = 0
Dim strHVAC As String = ""
strHVAC = gridRow.Cells(1).EditedFormattedValue.ToString().Replace("$", "").Replace(",", "")
Dim dblHVAC As Double = 0.0
If strHVAC.Length > 0 Then dblHVAC = Double.Parse(strHVAC)
Dim strPlumbing As String = ""
strPlumbing = gridRow.Cells(2).EditedFormattedValue.ToString().Replace("$", "").Replace(",", "")
Dim dblPlumbing As Double = 0.0
If strPlumbing.Length > 0 Then dblPlumbing = Double.Parse(strPlumbing)
Dim isBidJob As Boolean = Boolean.Parse(gridRow.Cells(3).EditedFormattedValue.ToString())
Dim isMisc As Boolean = Boolean.Parse(gridRow.Cells(4).EditedFormattedValue.ToString())
Dim strNote As String = gridRow.Cells(5).EditedFormattedValue.ToString()
Dim strName As String = gridRow.Cells(6).EditedFormattedValue.ToString()
Dim strCheckNumber As String = gridRow.Cells(7).EditedFormattedValue.ToString()
Dim isCOD As Boolean = Boolean.Parse(gridRow.Cells(8).EditedFormattedValue.ToString())
'Dim scb As New SqlCommandBuilder(_da)
'_da.UpdateCommand = scb.GetUpdateCommand()
'_da.InsertCommand = scb.GetInsertCommand()
'_da.DeleteCommand = scb.GetDeleteCommand()
Dim InsCommandString As String = "usp_Deposit_Create"
Dim cmdINS As New SqlCommand(InsCommandString, _Conn)
cmdINS.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim myUtil As New Utils
With myUtil
.AddParamToSQLCmd(cmdINS, "@DepositID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, ParameterDirection.Output, 0)
.AddParamToSQLCmd(cmdINS, "@HVAC", SqlDbType.Money, 8, ParameterDirection.Input, dblHVAC)
.AddParamToSQLCmd(cmdINS, "@PLUMBING", SqlDbType.Money, 8, ParameterDirection.Input, dblPlumbing)
.AddParamToSQLCmd(cmdINS, "@IsBidJob", SqlDbType.Bit, 1, ParameterDirection.Input, IIf(isBidJob, 1, 0))
.AddParamToSQLCmd(cmdINS, "@DateDeposited", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8, ParameterDirection.Input, theDate.ToShortDateString())
.AddParamToSQLCmd(cmdINS, "@MISC", SqlDbType.Bit, 1, ParameterDirection.Input, IIf(isMisc, 1, 0))
.AddParamToSQLCmd(cmdINS, "@Notes", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 1000, ParameterDirection.Input, strNote)
.AddParamToSQLCmd(cmdINS, "@Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 35, ParameterDirection.Input, strName)
.AddParamToSQLCmd(cmdINS, "@CheckNumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15, ParameterDirection.Input, strCheckNumber)
.AddParamToSQLCmd(cmdINS, "@FromInvoices", SqlDbType.Bit, 1, ParameterDirection.Input, IIf(isCOD, 1, 0))
End With
_da.InsertCommand = cmdINS
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("ERROR in insertDB(): " & ex.Message & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ex.StackTrace)
End Try
End Sub