Question Developing Windows Applications


New member
Jan 2, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi Guys,

I registered here to ask a question and also a proper guidance as this is the very first turned up when I searched Google for VB .Net Forum

So, I hope I get some guidance here...

Goal - I want to develop simple VB . Net tools that does jobs like
  • Checking Google/Alexa page rank of one or more URL
  • Grab links from a site
  • Load a webpage inside the application (act like a pseudo browser inside the application)
  • Login to a site automatically and do tasks
  • etc

So, basically my goal is to learn Web Automation by creating simple tools using VB .Net

Experience Level

I am an "intermediate" C/C++ programmer. So, I am not that totally new to Programming. I am used to the Visual Studio IDE as well. However, I do not know the concepts in VB .net thoroughly. I have created simple applications like Calculator in VB . Net


I want some one to guide me on what is that I need to learn so that I can start developing simple tools for web automation. Any links or recommended books or online tutorials or even pointers like "Learn this; Learn That" are appreciated. I know is wast like any other programming language... I just need to know where should I kick off to start with Web Automation.

Please guide!
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