Desktop Dock


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi there,

Is it possible to dock a program on the right of the windows desktop so no other programs "overlap" it?

And other programs sizes would be smaller when maximised (speicfically total resolution - width of program), if that makes sense.

It makes complete sense however it is not trivial. You'll need to get a hold of a copy of API viewer. Then you will need certain API's like ENUMCHILDWINDOWS and such like. Basically you'll start by positioning your form where you want it. Then you will need a listener for any applications that are starting, or have already started and you will need to get there window handle and the handle of any child windows that they have. Then one you have the handles you can start to move them around with other API's like MOVEWINDOW. This is going to be a pain in the bum to write. But if you are determined to have a go then make a start and post back if you get stuck.
You can do this via some Win32 calls. I implemented one using some help from a chap on experts-exchange called Idle_Mind - he deserves a mention cos this info came from his mouth..

That should get you started ok - if you are still having trouble I will dig out my old app that used this and build a demo project. Might not be a bad piece of code to have somewhere on this forum available for all..
