Deserialize object serialized in another project


Active member
Aug 31, 2009
Programming Experience

I have an old project that was developed in VS2003 which serializes an object. The class structure in the original project was badly done (by me) and difficult to work with. When I tried to remove it from the 2003 project and turn the class definition into a dll it was a problem and wouldn't deserialize the old files. So, I created a new dll with a new class definition that matched the original. Built the DLL project and added it as a reference to the 2003 project.

My thought was that I could -
1 - read the files with the old 2003 code into an object (works fine)
2 - copy the data to my new object instantiated from the new DLL reference (works fine)
3 - serialize to a new file from this new object (works fine)
4 - copy the dll to the new machine and add a reference to the DLL into a new VS2013 project (No problems)
5 - deserialize and read the file into an object created from the referenced DLL (No dice!)

I still get an error "Unable to find assembly 'TTVBNET, Version=1.0.5290.19599, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'"

I did a quick search on the site and didn't find anything. Could be I just didn't search correctly. Can anyone help me understand how I can deserialize files created in another project?

Thanks in advance for any help