Deployment with MS Access backend table


Jan 14, 2007
Programming Experience
Hello All,

I developed an application with VB 2005 Express using a single back-end Microsoft Access table, 8 cols 100 rows, no forms, no reports, etc... I am using a data adapter to work with the database. I've looked at the Microsoft Access Runtime deployment and it seems geared more toward a front-end access application situation. I think all the user actually needs is the database file and MDAC for the provider. Can anybody steer me in the right direction for deployment of this vb/access application, want to be legal and provide necessary support files as needed... The Microsoft runtime seems like a science project (I need to support w98,w2k,wxp,vista O.S.)... actually thinking of trying to drop in SQLite instead of access. Haven't decided yet to use one click or INNO for installation.
mdac should have been installed on the clients already. this shouldn't really be a concern. if i remember correctly v2.7 should come with winxp.

in any case, if this is a concern, you could write an installer package that will check and automatically prompt the user to go to microsoft website to get it.
Deploy Access application, chasing my tail…

Hi again,
I developed a simple .net application with an access database backend. I tried to avoid the issues with mdac and jet drivers by trying an sqlite database but getting a DBConcurrencyException when trying to update the database, every else seems to work though… so back on track with access. (told you I was chasing my tail)

Platforms I wish to support = W98, WNTsp4, W2000, WXP, VISTA

The application is geared toward the medical field specifically with people that have disabilities… so I wish to make the install as painless and simple as possible, I don’t want to send them to Microsoft site and go fish…

I used INNO to create an installation script that worked well as far as the basic install… now trying to deal with .net, mdac and jet 4.0 driver requirements. I am very reluctant now to hack out something that is going to pound in system applications on thousands of computers. I can’t be the first to try to do this pretty simple thing and it seems like it should be available already, somewhere. I have seen the high-end installers out there but they are out of my budget. I have also tried clickonce and that does not meet my requirements either (at least I don’t think).

Below you can see my file installation requirements, pretty simple. If anybody has any suggestions please help. Hoping to find a way to do this that is well established. I’ve done a lot of searching on the web and this is getting pretty frustrating.

Many thanks.

.net .net framework 2.0 deployment
mdac version 2.8 sp1, most current
jet 4.0, platform specific installation

Note: application ran on vista with no other requirements (already had .net 2.0 3.0, mdac 6.0, jet 4.0 from O.S. installation)

.exe application executable
.chm (help file)
.pdf (pdf of help file, more detailed)
.fnt font to be installed and registered
.txt agreement file to be displayed on installation
.mdb blank database file (access 2000)
.mdb copy of blank database file (access 2000)
.ico icon file
.bmp graphic file used in app
.txt might add readme to display at end of install