Deployment Problem


Dec 18, 2006
Harrison, TN
Programming Experience
I deploy the app. and everything seems fine until the first message appears.

After I click Continue the application said "has been Succesfully Installed," but there is a problem when I use the mouse and hoover the command button, and then another message pops up "An unhandled exeption has occurred in your application."

This is the file C:\Program Files\System Tool\ Imagenes\Color7.5.bmp

Now at the end of the message box says this:

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the machine
rather than being handled by this dialog.

I have two command button choices: Continue or Quit.

If I click continue, you know what happens. The application will keep running.
I need to know what I'm doing wrong in my deployment?

I'm a freshman in VB.NET and using dot net 2003.

I will appreciate your help.
Is this bmp existing in your releasedirectory? I had the same problem for my db, it was not present in the project and therefore not deployed.