Debug Mode F8 doesn't call function


Well-known member
May 23, 2006
Programming Experience
A function call seems to be getting sciped:

Debug Mode F8 doesn't call the function:

I set a break point in a sub.

Run the Program (start debugging)

It breaks at the break point as it should

I press F8

It goes to the next line and highlights it ( which is a call to a function)

I press F8 again

It goes to the next line following the call to the function instead

of going to the first line of the function.

This is my question:

Why, When, Where, Who, What happened to the call to the
function? Why is the execution not going into the function?

HELP PLEASE :confused:
Now I got it to call the function, the function sets the value, it returns

to calling line + 1, and the value that the function set is lost.

I feel so insignificant :eek:
Things are working now. I was calling the function with parameters

that had not been assigned a value. In vb6.0 a call to read a table

with no records found would not over-lay values previously set by another

previous read ( say to a master ) and .Net reset the variable as I believe it

should. It just so happened that both tables had the same field names

so the later read with no find reset the value no nothing as it should have

but probably didn't in VB6.

Thanks - this question is answered now