I have a form that conects to an aceess database and would like to be able to perform a search. I would like to either :
Have 3 text boxes, First and Last name and dob that the user can input the parameters and then click search. this can then show the results in a datagrid (or other form). Once in the data grid can the user click on the row they want so that it populates my form with all the fields from the db.
Is pretty much the same as 1 but I just have a datagrid with all the db rows in (SELECT*FROM members). and I scroll down and click on the member I want to edit etc.
There may be a far better way to search but I dont know it.
I would rather have the search results in a seperate form so if there is a duplictate name "JOHN SMITH" then I can choos which one.
Have 3 text boxes, First and Last name and dob that the user can input the parameters and then click search. this can then show the results in a datagrid (or other form). Once in the data grid can the user click on the row they want so that it populates my form with all the fields from the db.
Is pretty much the same as 1 but I just have a datagrid with all the db rows in (SELECT*FROM members). and I scroll down and click on the member I want to edit etc.
There may be a far better way to search but I dont know it.
I would rather have the search results in a seperate form so if there is a duplictate name "JOHN SMITH" then I can choos which one.