Question datetimepicker in datagridview


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Programming Experience
i have designed a windows form in my problem to display datetimepicker in datagridview.
Google broken round your way? I already know that there's an article on MSDN that shows exactly how to do what you're asking, so I wondered how easy it would be for someone with no prior knowledge to find it. It went to Google and typed datetimepicker datagridview and that very article was the second result. That would have taken you all of 30 seconds to do for yourself. I'm always happy to help people when they are stuck but if you haven't even tried then you're not stuck. Always look for yourself first because there is already a huge amount of information out there on the web. If you can't find what you need or can't understand what you find, that's the time to ask for help.