Datetimepicker automatic


Active member
Oct 20, 2005
Programming Experience
when i've picked a date from the DTP, and ik clicked my OK button i want the DTP to go automaticly go to a day later :confused: . how can i do this.
i've tried something with dtp.value = next (something like that) but didn't work.

can somebody please help me

cheers Astie


I've found this:

DateTimePicker1.Value = DateTimePicker1.Value.AddDays(1)

very easy you think but it works only once, after the second time you go back to your default day
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I've just tested your code above and it works fine, ie every time you click it the day changes to a day later. Is not this what you were after? If this isn't working for you, make sure you're not setting the value to today again at some point in your code.
BadgerByte said:
I've just tested your code above and it works fine, ie every time you click it the day changes to a day later. Is not this what you were after? If this isn't working for you, make sure you're not setting the value to today again at some point in your code.

i don't have a reset code in my code.
i can select a date like 20-11-2054, when i added it to my DB it goes to 21-11-2054, but when i ad this to my DB i see a in a flash that the date 20-11-2054 coms on screen and than in a second it goes to 21-11-2054.

Read well to understand :D