date ?


Active member
Aug 18, 2004
Programming Experience
I have 2 textboxes that are currently being populated by a calendar. I have them set up so that the start date is never greater than my end date. The only way to input a date to these textboxes is thru the calendar. I would like to be able to allow my users to write the date, if they want, inside the textbox but I still want to validate to make sure that the data is in a date format and that the end date is greater than the beginning date.

can anyone help me?

use the Textbox_LostFocus event to check to see if it's a valid date then if it's a date not less than the beginning date
To add, use the Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsDate function to check if the text entered in the textBoxs are valid dates. Then you can use a simple check to see if the end date is greater than the beginning date.