datasets, set table relationships


Well-known member
May 22, 2008
Programming Experience
do anyone no how to establish a parent-child relationship between tables in a dataset generically.
i have this much done but can finish it off

Me._datset.Relations.Add("Parent_Child", _
Me._datset.Tables.Add(TableName & "_" & Me._main.TableName).Columns(IDColumn), _

ok i was asked to eatablish a parent-child relationship between tables in a dataset generically
which i now have done. but now i have to do a search for it. anyone have an idea how to do this
I cannot honestly thing of any benefit in doing that. Oracle has NATURAL INNER JOIN query that joins where column names are equal and to this day i NEVER saw anyone in the world use it!! Asserting a relationship based on column names is NOT a good idea..
i have this part done all right. the reason behind it is because the combo boxes are really numbers when saved to the db. but i get it to dispaly the wrods associated with it. and this is also to do with what i was aking about in the the other question.
comboboxes do not need datarelations to be present in order to decode a ValueMember into a DisplayMember