Dataset not defined


Nov 21, 2008
Programming Experience
I am working on a project with 2 other developers using VSS as our source control. Every now and again, one of us will get "Dataset not defined" errors for no reason. Even if we delete the offending dataset and get the latest version ( which will be working on the other 2 developers ), we still get the error. The only way we seem to get back on track is to delete the whole development folder and start again. This happens to any one of the 3 of us and for no apparent reason ( i.e. the dataset might not have been changed in months )

Any ideas?
I just got it again .. I added two new classes and suddenly I got Dataset not Defined errors in every form. Removed the two classes and it disappeared. Not sure why adding two brand new classes would give these errors in forms that were not related to the new classes.