dataset designer


Active member
Mar 7, 2007
Programming Experience
We have a dataset that feeds a data export function, created last year using the visual designer in Visual Studio 2005.
To connect to the SQL CE database, it uses a connection string stored in My.Settings, called 'dbConnStr'.

The application runs fine, of course. But when we wanted to add a column to one of the TableAdapters in the dataset, so we could update the export function, it throws an error complaining that the connection string 'dbConnStr' does not exist in My. Settings.

However, it is plainly there when you open My.Settings and look for it.

So our question is basically, what is going on here?
it's probably not of type (Connection Stirng) and scope Application Scope

Ensure it is, and try again. If that still doesnt work, just make a new conn str in the dataset designer (go to Conn Str property and choose New..)