Datagridview on datarepeater showing only most recent fill

Jun 14, 2010
Programming Experience
Is there any way to have a datagridview on a datarepeater with more than 1 row showing?

I have a datagridview on a datarepeater control. The datarepeater and the datagridview are joined on a common field in 1-to-many fashion. The form is designed so that there are 2 rows of the datarepeater visible at any one time. The datagridview is populated in the datarepeater's drawitem event
The problem is that it behaves as if there is only one datagridview total rather than one datagridview per row. The drawitem event executes when you scroll to a row. Because 2 rows of the datarepeater are visible, the fill code is executed twice when the form is opened. But the second fill overrides the first one. So you've got this form with 2 different rows but the data in both datagridviews is the same but is right only for the bottom one.

Is there any way to correct this? If I made only 1 row visible, that would eliminate the wrong data. But I want to be able to show more that 1 row at a time.
"The fill code is executed twice"

And youre sure that the tableadapter tha tis doing the filling, is set to:
myTA.ClearBeforeFill = False