Question DataGridView - Data and column renders correctly then suddenly covered by black


New member
Jun 7, 2011
Programming Experience
Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone could help, I have searched the web and implemented many changes to avoid this issue but it still occurs:

DataGridView - Data and column renders correctly 99% of the time then suddenly covered by "black" box. The black overlay happens on 2x DataGridViews at random on only 1 pc of 30 (some have simular build VISTA .NET 2.0).

It could be a graphics card rendering problems, it happen for a random period of time and then dissapears for a week or so. It could also be a software/code issue.

All I do is bind data to the grid, nothing complicated, thats it. What are your thoughts?


If there are no significant differences between that machine and others, e.g. it has overall slower performance, then I would have to guess that it's a system issue. It might be hardware or it might be software, but I would doubt that it's your software that is the issue. It's hard to say definitively though. If possible, I'd be inclined to test that machine with one or more other programs that do something similar with a DGV and see if they behave similarly. Also, does that machine exhibit any other unusual behaviour? I guess you would have said so if it did but you never know.

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