Datagrid from more than 1 table


Aug 23, 2006
Programming Experience
I have 1 datagrid which source comes from 1 table. It is working. But I need to combine the table with other 2 tables as the main table only shows the key of the other 2. I need to get the description of the keys from the 2 tables. I know the sql command,and it uses dataview but I'm not sure how to implement it into datagrid. Below is the coding i use to get the data from 1 table to the datagrid.I use VStudio 2003. I'm a beginner, therefore if someone could explain and show me the url that shows the coding to combined few tables into the datagrid, I will appreciate it very much.

Private Sub LoadGrid()
Dim data As DataTable = OgManager.GetData(" status <> " & eStatus.Deleted & " AND SerialNo like '%" & txtSearchbySerialNo.Text & "%'")
grdData.DataSource = data
Dim dsn As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("dsn")
End Sub

Public Shared Function GetData(ByVal criteria As String) As DataTable
Dim ConnectionString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DSN")
Dim query As String = "select * from SerialNo"
If criteria <> "" Then
query = query & " where " & criteria
End If
Dim Dt As DataTable = DataManager.ExecuteQuery(ConnectionString, query, "SerialNo")
Return Dt
End Function

Public Shared Function ExecuteQuery(ByVal ConnectionString As String, ByVal query As String, Optional ByVal tableName As String = "Table1") As DataTable
Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim myAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(query, myConnection)
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet
myAdapter.Fill(ds, tableName)
ds.Tables(0).TableName = tableName
Return ds.Tables(0)
Catch ex As Exception
Utils.LogError(ex, "Error in ExecuteQuery() method in DataManager. <BR><BR>" & query)
End Try
End Try
End Function
couldnt you simply specify in the select query the data from all tables?


SELECT i.Field1, i.Field2, a.Field1, a.Field2 FROM Table1 i, Table 2 a WHERE i.Field2 = a.Field1

and then bind the dataset to the data grid as normal

hope that helps

As Anti-Rich says, use a join. Here's an example of the more modern format for a join:
SELECT Child.ID, Parent.Name AS ParentName, Child.Name FROM Parent INNER JOIN Child ON Parent.ID = Child.ParentID
Note that the second column will now contain the parent's name instead of the parent's ID, which it would if you'd selected the Child.ParentID column. Depending on what you need to do with the data you may well still want to get the child's parent ID too, but just not display it in the grid.
Appreciate all the feedbacks is now working...All I need to do is just change the sql command....